The mission & vision of Apparel Source BD Limited is very transparent, our mission is to provide total customer satisfaction by offering a range of quality garments with competitive prices


Apparel Source BD Limited is a fast-growing apparel sourcing company from Bangladesh.Throughout the years, Apparel Source BD Limited has established itself as a core manufacture partner for fashion brands in Europe and U.S.A. Besides our reputation for reliability, our customers endorse our value-added services.

We are a dynamic apparel designing and manufacturing company offering multiple sourcing options, committed to delivering world-class products with the right price, right quality and on-time delivery to our global customers.

Our mission is to maximize quality products production and services strictly on ethical and moral standards at minimum costs to the ensuring optimum benefits to the consumers, the shareholders and other stakeholders.


Apparel Source BD Limited is working as a buying agent and manufacturer in the field of textile industry. Satisfying buyer need and to be a leading and sustainable ecofriendly textile fabric and apparel manufacturer in Bangladesh in our vision.

Our services include all that a buyer needs for successful buying. Apparel Source BD Limited has Seven years of experience on its back in dealing with all categories of garments. Our objective is to provide total customer satisfaction by offering a range of quality garments with competitive prices



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